How it works:
Our Reference Database provides access to abstracts of scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals describing the successful use of U-CyTech's products and assays. The database search for keyword(s) that you enter within the reference title, abstract, authors and other related data. Simply enter one or more keywords into the search box to search for references. If you enter multiple keywords, the database will search for the abstracts which contain all keywords.
Scientific articles may describe the use of U-CyTech's products that are not the intended purpose of our products, and which have not been tested and optimized by U-CyTech. For recommended applications using U-CyTech products, please refer to the product data sheets or contact us. Our reference database is provided for your convenience and for informational purposes only. U-CyTech bears no responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or quality of information provided through other sites and computer systems. Providing a link to other sites should not be interpreted as an affiliation between U-CyTech and these organizations or any endorsement of one for the other.